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Happiness is not a long term state.

And yet we are led to believe that it can be permanently achieved.

But our moods fluctuate as humans.


So instead of worrying about trying to be happy. 

Just experience life as it takes you.

To those dark parts of your core,

To the brightests.

















Without her


Hours phase into days,

Days into months.

Without her I am numb.


She left me naked,

Bewildered on the floor.

Without her I am lost.


Faces are blurred,

Paintings are colourless,

Without her I am blind.


All that I had was taken,

There is nothing left for you to see.

For without her I am not me.








He makes me momentarily happy

My Cacti!



Bought cacti from IKEA for St Patrick's day, as I was feeling green. I think they look rather cute on my bookshelf.

I haven't had cacti since I was a small child. I've always had somewhat of an obsession with them.


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